Buy Ijebu garri
Health benefits of ijebu garri
- Ijebu garri is rich in dietary fiber so when you eat just a little quantity, it can keep you feeling full for long; this can be beneficial for people trying to shed some weight.
- It is sometimes used to control simple diarrhea.
- Ijebu garri contains the following nutrients – ascorbic acid (vitamin A) , carbohydrates, dietary fiber,
How many calories in ijebu garri
- Ijebu garri contains about 150 calories in every 100g
Is ijebu garri fattening
- Ijebu garri contains mostly carbohydrate and so its best enjoyed with other side dishes for a good balance of other nutrients. It is however best to consume in moderate quantities
Price of ijebu garri
The price of ijebu garri changes with season; for the price in this season , kindly check price instore.
What is ijebu garri
- Ijebu garri is made from cassava, the cassava is peeled and processed (and fermented) into a granular (kind of powdery ) form. Because of the lengthened days of fermentation, Ijebu garri has a sour taste ; It is actually desired for its sour taste , most like to soak it in cold water and enjoy it alongside foods like milk, sugar, fried fish, groundnut, kuli kuli, suya , kilishi …….
What does a paint bucket of Ijebu garri weigh?
A paint bucket of Ijebu garri weighs about 2.6kg
How many paint buckets are in a bag (sack) of Ijebu gari?
A bag of Ijebu garri contains 20 paint buckets of ijebu garri.
Whats the difference between the regular white garri and the Ijebu garri?
Ijebu garri is also white garri but it is processed (fermented for about 7 days) to be exceptionally dry and extra sour when compared to the regular white garri.

Ijebu garri – extra dry and sour. Sand and stone free
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